Professor Jason Hall-Spencer's Research on Maerl Conservation

Professor Jason Hall-Spencer: Leading the Way in Maerl Conservation

As one of the Blue Hope Alliance's esteemed scientific advisors, Professor Jason Hall-Spencer has been instrumental in guiding our understanding of marine conservation, particularly in protecting and studying maerl beds, which are crucial marine habitats. Below are some of the latest research papers relevant to our mission, highlighting the impacts of human activity on maerl and showcasing ongoing conservation successes. Jason has been involved in or has provided insight into these significant studies.

Salmon Farming Alters the Structure and Functioning of Norwegian Maerl Beds
By Legrand et al., 2024
Discover the effects of salmon farming on Norwegian maerl beds and the urgent need for more sustainable aquaculture practices.

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Protecting the Vital Ecosystems of Flame Shell Beds Explore the delicate and vital ecosystems created by the flame shell, Limaria hians, whose beds in tidal muddy mixed sediments are under threat but essential for marine biodiversity

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Conservation Successes and Failures in Maerl Beds of NW France
By Grall and Hall-Spencer, 2024
This study details two decades of conservation efforts in Brittany and highlights both the progress made and the challenges still faced in protecting these vital ecosystems.
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Preserving the Biodiversity Hotspots of Atlantic Maerl Beds Discover the critical role of Atlantic maerl beds, unique underwater habitats that support diverse marine life and are increasingly threatened by human activities.

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